Virtual/Hybrid (Course) - Building Strong Hybrid Teams

Building Strong Hybrid Teams:

Counter “virtual drift” to stay connected and coordinated

In this Course we’ll focus on FOUR of the most fundamental challenges facing hybrid teams, and provide strategies to address them:

  • Hybrid Shock: Very few of us have experience in handling the unique challenges of the hybrid environment.
  • Virtual Drift: The tendency for individuals who are working on alternate schedules, or working remotely, to unintentionally drift apart from their colleagues.
  • Breakdown of Collaboration: Many teams simply fall into patterns of interaction based on weekly schedules or availability, rather than intentionally designing a collaboration model that meets the needs of their mission.
  • Meaningful Accountability: With staff working on various schedules from various locations, there’s no “one size fits all solution” to setting performance standards, and this can create a chaotic environment with real - and perceived - inequity and unfairness.
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