Virtual/Hybrid (Course) - Virtual EQ: Virtual Emotional Intelligence for Teams

Virtual EQ: Virtual Emotional Intelligence for Teams

In this 2-hour course, we're going to focus on assessing and strengthening EQ in the virtual team context. In particular, we’ll going to look at:

  • Assessing Team Culture: What is the level of emotional intelligence in your team's culture? What behaviors are considered "normal"?
  • Shaping your Team's Culture: Have you defined clear values and operating agreements to encourage emotionally intelligent behaviors and relationships?
  • Getting to Know Your Self & Know Your Virtual Teammates: Are you aware of how your strengths and personality traits show up in the virtual environment?
  • Responding Effectively: How can you effectively respond to a wide spectrum of emotion as an emotionally intelligent virtual team?

It’s challenging for teams to develop and sustain emotional intelligence even in the best of circumstances. But for virtual teams, the challenges are even greater!

Preview Virtual EQ: Virtual Emotional Intelligence for Teams
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